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About Clover Systems of Orlando

It’s one thing to react to changes in the technology industry. It’s another to anticipate those changes and even embrace what’s coming. After all, change is the one constant in the technology industry, and without it, there is no way for businesses to adapt and grow.

We believe in always remaining agile, and never getting stagnant. Agility and a commitment to continuous learning are what enable us to successfully converge a client’s changing needs with new evolving best-of-breed technology offerings.

Since 1992, Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc. has been an agent of change for our customers. We understand that landmark innovations, economic conditions, and exciting business discoveries can spark new demands. In those moments, we have been with our long-term partners every step of the way. Moreover, with new customers, we will be prepared to take the same approach.


Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc. was founded by Christopher Straub in 1992, with a desire to deliver a unique experience to companies in need of business application systems. The difference that Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc. offered was a partner who would actually listen first, as opposed to pushing a sale regardless of fit or need. Chris wanted to approach every engagement with a potential client from his or her side of the desk, as if he was making the decision himself.

In 1999, Chris’ wife, Michelle, joined her husband in furthering his vision. At the time, Michelle’s 10+ years of experience in the technology industry with both IBM and Xerox Corporations, was a natural fit into the over-arching mission of Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc.

Putting the Customers’ Best Interests First

When Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc. is given an opportunity to serve a new or existing client, we approach each interaction with a true sense of humility and responsibility. We see it as both an honor and a privilege.

Ultimately, it is our goal to prove ourselves to you and earn your business with every transaction.

We also look at every client interaction as an opportunity for self-improvement. Our customers are our best advocates, advisors and motivators.

Continuous Learning and a Quest for Knowledge

At Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc., our team believes that we have a responsibility and discipline to keep our skills sharp and to learn new ones.  We always remind ourselves that people don’t care about how much we know until they know how much we care.

In order to stay current with the latest certifications and professional accreditations, Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc. invests in training and embraces a philosophy of continuous learning. We understand that technology updates are a daily occurrence, which is why our commitment to further education and professional growth never rests.

Want to know what else we do? Check out our services page!

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