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Enterprise Solutions

We specialize in providing Customized Expert Integrated Infrastructure Solutions.

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We deliver a solution that is value-driven from a cost, time and efficiency standpoint.

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Technology Architects

We hold the key to bringing all components into a turnkey solution for our customers.

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Infrastructure Virtualization

When it comes to the subject of virtualization, it is no longer a matter of "if" but "when."

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Our goal is simple: to deliver time-to-value for our customers.

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Clover Systems of Orlando, Inc. | Managed IT & Infrastructure Solutions

Clover Systems of Orlando Inc

We are in business for your success. Our singular focus is to successfully achieve positive business outcomes using technology as the catalyst. In our view, technology is not a means to an end—it is the underlying fabric of your business. Through a collaborative, client-centered process, we can help you align world-class technology with your unique business processes to attain maximum value while addressing the specific needs of your organization.

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As owner Christopher Straub said it best, "Competence, commitment, and a genuine desire to serve our clients’ needs are the pillars that drive the direction of our business."

Check out our whiteboard video below to find out more about us and what we do! Have a quick look here:


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